My blog's one and a half year birthday is coming up on April 15th. I know, it feels like waaaay longer, huh! Anyway, I feel as though I should celebrate this because I missed the one year and I'll probably forget about the two year mark. I also feel as though I should do some sort of giveaway. That's what all the cool bloggers do, doncha know. Problemo numero uno is that I don't have anything to give away that is a.) cool, b.) not already used and c.) not something I want for myself. I suppose I could give away all the crap I've been saving for DI/a yard sale, but who would want garbage bags full of gently-used shiz? (Besides people who shop at DI and yard sales.) Maybe I need a skill with which to make something cool. Does anyone have any suggestions for skills I can learn, skills you can teach me, prize giveaway ideas, or something you would like to give me that I can then regift to a lucky reader? Keep in mind that only one or two of you ever comment, so if you send something really cool my way, chances are you may end up receiving it yourself.