Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've been trying to look a little less scummy lately, but since I'm beautificationally challenged, I've had to watch videos on YouTube to show me how to do my hair and make-up. I know, I'm lame, but I don't have a big sister to show me how to do this crap. The best I could ever manage was in sixth grade when I would wear a ponytail and slap a giant bow on it. And when I say giant, I'm talking like half the size of my head. I remember my BFF at the time, Brittinee, also had an affinity for large hairbows and she actually had a bow that was made of some kind of mesh and it had little multi-colored balls inside that shook around when you moved. I was beyond jealous. Those were the days. But anyway, back to the videos. I found a great channel on YouTube called PurseBuzz. There's also a website. Here are some of my favorite videos:

  • How to thread your eyebrows. This is addictive. I love it.
  • How to do milkmaid braids, part 1 and part 2. I haven't quite mastered this enough to wear it out in public yet, but it's pretty cool looking.
  • Cute waves.
  • Purple eyeshadow. Not scary like it sounds-I wear purple eyeshadow all the time because it goes really well with my green eyes.
Those are just a few of the many, many videos on this channel. I also subscribe to the blog Bellasugar, which is where I found this cute hairstyle. I did this yesterday and got tons of compliments. Well, o.k., not really, but it did make me feel extra confident. :)


Andrea said...

What was it about elementary school and the huge bows? I had a ton of them- I think that it was the style then... what were our parents thinking letting us out in the world (more like forcing us out) looking like that.

Kim said...

I personally think that many of my problems later in life can be explained by the hideous bows I wore in elementary school. Our parents really should have known better!

Amber said...

Your hair did look cute yesterday, and I told you that so really, you did get at least one compliment.