Sunday, September 14, 2008

a confession

Since going to Peru I have had this overwhelming urge to get rid of things. I have this horrible need to possess things (books, clothes, shoes, junk) and now all of a sudden it seems kind of stupid. I've been going through my things and I've gotten rid of hundreds of books; clothes I never wear, but have kept just in case; shoes that hurt my feet; and basically just stuff. As my bedroom gets less cluttered I feel more content and at peace. I'm sleeping better, too. I think having too much stuff weighs on your spirit in a way. Does that sound all new-agey and ridiculous? As much as I've gotten rid of, I still have an absurd amount of belongings, so I'm not going totally crazy with the purging. I haven't even started on the bathroom and all my product yet. That could be scary. I don't know if I'm quite ready for that yet; but I have taken the first step and admitted I have a problem!


paul & ashlee said...

it is wonderful to throw away things! i do it all the time. i will agree that it makes me feel peaceful and content too. i keep what i really love, and the 'stuff' i am not really in love with i get rid of without thinking about it. i love clearing out. i think i will clear out a lot of my kitchen gadgets i don't use (i have a lot), dishes and and socks...ash

Kim said...

I don't know if I would be brave enough to get rid of my kitchen stuff. What if I need it some day? I think before you get rid of kitchen stuff, you need to let me look at it. What if it's something I need/want?!?